Living in the Pacific Northwest, one of the premier outdoor activity destinations in the United States, Dr. Jennifer Saam is an experienced, active athlete with years of competitive sports participation. She understands the physical strains put on the body when participating in a sport that you love. Dr. Saam enjoys both road racing and trail running in the “Issaquah Alps”, as well as Nordic and downhill skiing whenever she can.
When you come in for your visit, it is helpful to bring in your athletic footwear, as well as any over-the-counter or custom orthotic devices that you have used. Valuable information can be obtained by evaluating you in your shoe gear, observing wear patterns on the sole, and evaluating the effectiveness of your current orthotics. As part of every patient visit, you will receive a thorough sitting, standing, and walking biomechanical evaluation.
Changes to your shoes, orthotic therapy, stretching, and physical therapy are commonly considered when forming your treatment plan. Surgical treatment is sometimes discussed depending on the nature of the condition. We always strive to allow continued participation in a patient’s chosen sport while addressing the underlying cause of the problem.