March 1st marked the two-year anniversary for Bellevue Podiatry, which emerged in 2009 after I became the owner of the Bellevue location of my former group, the East Hill Foot and Ankle clinic. With the new name came many exciting changes which continue to this day. This Spring, we will be converting to electronic medical… Read More
Raynaud’s Phenomenon- Red, White, and Blue Toes
Over the course of the last month, I have had several patients present with a cold-weather-related condition called “Raynaud’s phenomenon”, or sometimes called, “Raynaud’s disease”. With this condition, the small blood vessels in the fingers and toes (and sometimes other peripheral body parts) constrict in response to a decrease in temperature, leading to an initial white… Read More
What is a stress fracture?
A stress fracture is a crack in any one of your bones, and it is a true fracture, meaning that your bone is actually “broken”, but is not the result of a single traumatic event or injury. Stress fractures commonly occur after repetitive strain and overuse of one particular area of the body. In the… Read More
My feet are numb and tingling after using the Elliptical trainer- Why?
The Elliptical trainer, found at many local gyms, can be a great way to reduce overall joint stress and still get a good workout. Many people who suffer from knee and/or hip problems will find the Elliptical to be a way to spare the after-pain that they might experience during running or other high-impact activities…. Read More
Are The MBT Shoes or Sketchers “Shape-Ups” Good For My Feet?
The MBT shoes as well as the Sketchers Shape-Ups are becoming more popular, and it is hard to ignore them in the store, with their thick, rocker-bottom soles. They are advertised by the manufacturers as a way to tone your thighs, calves, and buttocks, but there may be better or more definite advantages to them… Read More
Do Plantar Warts Really Have Roots?
Well, the short answer to this question is, “no”, but I can say that it is asked often enough when a new patient presents with warts to make it worth mentioning! The term “plantar wart”, or, “verruca plantaris” refers to a wart that is found anywhere on the bottom, or, “plantar” surface of the foot. … Read More
Ingrown Toenails
Many people suffer from pain and inflammation on the edge of one of their toenails, often called an “ingrown toenail“. It is most common on the large toe, or “Hallux”, but can occur on any of the toenails. An “Ingrown Toenail” is sometimes a bit of a misnomer, because generally the nail is not actually… Read More
Another type of heel pain
One of the most common ailments that brings patients in to my office is heel pain. Most frequently, the location is on the bottom of the heel, which can be related to inflammation of the plantar fascia, or, “plantar fasciitis”. However, not all heel pain is plantar fasciitis, and this is where a good examination… Read More
The 3-Day Walk is here!
Well, today marks the first day of the Susan G. Komen 3-Day Walk for Breast Cancer in Seattle. My role begins tomorrow, where I will spend all day in the main medical tent, assisting anyone who may have foot or ankle problems. If you are a walker- good luck! And for anyone who might see… Read More
A Busy Time in Preparation for the Susan G. Komen 3-Day Walk for Breast Cancer
Preparations are already underway for the 3-day walk on September 11-13 in beautiful Seattle. Based on previous years’ experience, I fully expect to be overwhelmed with feet in the medical tent at each day’s finish line! The most common ailments seen in the podiatry section are, thankfully, not too serious, but they can certainly make… Read More